OUR AMERICA: "Whiteness," "Reverse Racism" and an Attempt at Invalidation

Source: FUSION: These Trump supporters went full-on Nazi almost immediately after he won

Source: FUSION: These Trump supporters went full-on Nazi almost immediately after he won

There is no such thing as "reverse racism". That is invalidating speech... insult added to injury... for victim's responses to the violation of violent oppression.
Like calling self-defense "reverse assault"...
Don't buy in to Gamespeak BS.

Some white people experience bigotry not racism. That would be impossible for a "white" person. 
Racism is a system by which European "royalty" convinced other Cultures and Nations to conspire with them in order to subjugate the indigenous Africans for economic effect.
Those who can be identified as, or whose lineage is able to be immediately traced to the indigenous African, are what is referred to now as "Black" people.

"What is a 'White' person?"

I am not trying to be antagonistic.
Racism is so deep that a gang has formed that now dominates the world, with no real definitive characteristics... only prohibitive ones...
And they got millions of people to buy in based on what... similar appearance...
Simply unified by the idea that at least, they aren't "Black"?
This lack of clarity makes for the incomplete communication that allows for the insidious to play vicious games in the gaps.
It is time to call a spade, "a spade", and to deal with the truth... whatever that may be...
'cause the lies are killing us.

This racist "definition" is not mine, it is simply history. Once you are aware of what happened, you can always opine about what it means for you, personally... but that does not change history.
This is what racism attempts to do... rewrite history for the justification of systemic oppression.
I have no disdain or dismissal for anyone who experiences bigotry... your experiences are real and significant.
But placing them under the categories of "Black" oppression diminishes the massive effect... the truth of the monstrous continuous building of a devastating mechanism of genocidal destruction.
There is a multi-level war going on against Blacks and their related peoples.
Denial and minimization of that is a huge part of the problem... and I won't take part in that.

Labels without meaning or real classification are BS... and all the bullsh*t is only artillery to indiscriminately fire at anyone who fails the brown bag test.

All of our society is unstable, having been victimized by a small group of people working the concept of "racism" into the foundation of the living environment.
We all are suffering from a diminished existence because of the attempted invalidation of "Black" people.
To expect that only Blacks would suffer as the result of this, is unreasonable, illogical, and unrealistic.
Truth is the answer...
Truth as a bludgeon if necessary, because some people just won't get it unless they have to... unless pain is involved.

Still no one will define what a "white" person is.

What is the defining unique characteristics, the culture... the lineage... the history?

Will anyone answer this?

SOURCE: NYTIMES: More Hispanics Declaring Themselves White BY NATE COHN

SOURCE: NYTIMES: More Hispanics Declaring Themselves White BY NATE COHN

"What is a 'white' person?"

For some time now, I have been posing this question all over social media.
A "Black" person is someone who can be, or has been identified as having indigenous "African" ancestry. 
But no one either has been able to, or is willing to seriously confront the "White" question?
Is it too convenient to just treat it like a gang or religious affiliation?
Are we afraid that a real definition would cause massive reclassification with legal ramifications?
Or do we just need to entertain a distracting mythology?

I honestly do not have a definition. 
I have asked for help.
How can we have real discussion of race, or real cultural "exchange" if we don't know what the "labels" mean or classifications are?
The question is still out there.

I don't want to be agreed with.
I just want truth.

It has been years now, and no one will discuss it.
The beat goes on.

~ Grey


As children, our father used to take my siblings and I to the annual Dayton African American Cultural Festival (DAACF). I remember buying my first Africa-inspired jewelry... a red, black and green continent of Africa on a black leather cord. I think it had beads. I also remember being timid about wearing it in public. I longed to own a "100% Black Queen" t-shirt or a variation that I spotted at the festival, but I was worried that I would be called out as a poser or a fraud. It was the "100%" that troubled me as a child of a Black man and a Korean woman. My young mind couldn't reconcile what I believed was the exclusion of my Korean heritage from the celebration of my Black pride. Our father taught us that we were Black, regardless of what society labeled us. And though I secretly wished that I was 100% Black, the Africa-necklace stayed in my jewelry box and I never asked my daddy to buy me the "100% Black Queen" t-shirt. 



My story is not unique. In elementary school, when taking standardized tests, I was sometimes forced to choose a race or instructed to "check all that apply." When I did have to choose one, my teachers and my parents said I had to choose Black. When I was teased by other children, it was because of my "slanty eyes", so Black felt safe...it felt strong. By the time I got to college, I was more militant than mild, to the point that my dad asked that I "tone it down," at least in public. Another layered lesson.  

Years later, with the rise of social media, it became easy to connect with others who shared a similar heritage. At first, it was exciting to connect and swap stories of our bi-racial, bi-cultural experiences. It was a bittersweet mix of experiences... of immigrant parents worried their children wouldn't assimilate and find success in America... shame from not being able to speak our Mother tongue... unique blends of soul/seoul food at family meals... the embracing of our labels of "half" or "hapa"... Then I noticed how some of my fellow "Blasians" felt that by being "mixed" they were somehow the envy of all others. Just enough drops of Black, but not too much cause good hair and all. 



Well, damn. Should I spoil the party and tell them that the "hateration" they feel may not be because of jealousy but due to their anti-blackness and self-hatred? That being called "exotic" was not necessarily the compliment they thought it was...? I did not want to confront the anti-blackness of my Black friends, regardless of their percentage of Blackness. I was not equipped and I was tired, so I pulled back.

How you gon’ win when you ain’t right within
How you gon’ win when you ain’t right within
How you gon’ win when you ain’t right within
Come again
Come again, come again, come again, come again
— Lauryn Hill, Lyrics from "Doo Wop (That Thing)"


Fortunately, I've discovered some thought-leaders who are working hard to combat anti-blackness and white supremacy in the Asian community, among other battles: 

If you have more to add, please let me know via twitter @onjena


So, what have I learned? I am not required to choose. I am 100% human. 

And... I can say it loud. You don't have to be Black to celebrate Blackness. What the hell is 100% Black anyway? No, seriously, is there a test? Do we get a certificate? Is that what the race card is for? Or maybe, the 100% is about keeping it real.

FUTURE TOPICS: Celebrating vs Appropriating Blackness. Queen/King/Monarchy/Imperialist/Colonial shit must end. 

~ Onjena Yo

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