EVENT: Medialia Gallery presents The Art of Neon Son :: Saturday, October 27th, 2012, 3 PM - 6 PM


Curated by Tara Nakashima Donahue featuring the work of:

Grey Williamson | Chuck Collins | Eric Nocella Diaz | Nelson Asencio | Manuel Jesus | Rodney Jackson | Kilroy III | Robert Garrett | Onjena Yo

Final Day of Exhibition: Saturday, October 27th 2012, 3 PM - 6 PM

Medialia ... Rack and Hamper Gallery

335 West 38th Street, 4th Foor, New York, New York 10018


Further information on the creators can be found on their websites. For Grey Williamson: www.carbon-fibre.me; Chuck Collins: dreadsocietyx.blogspot.com; Robert Garrett: xmoorstudios.blogspot.com.

About the Artists: Grey Williamson: creator, writer, illustrator; Chuck Collins: creator, illustrator, animator; Robert Garrett: creator, writer; Nelson Asencio & Manuel Jesus: designer toy producers; Eric Nocella Diaz: creator, sculptor, illustrator; Rodney Jackson: artist; Kilroy III: sculptor, designer; Onjena Yo: creator, writer, designer.

Learn more about NEON SON here

About Medialia ... Rack and Hamper Gallery

Established in 1993, Medialia ... Rack and Hamper Gallery specializes in small, affordable works by international artists, including: book art, medallic sculpture, small sculpture, transformable sculpture, wearable sculpture, wall hangings and comic art exhibits. Work of gallery artists is exhibited on a continual basis, along with special one-person and group exhibitions by international artists. 

Founder and artistic director Mashiko Nakashima, has also established the not-for-profit, New Approach Inc. to promote emerging artists and curators, as well as to encourage public awareness and exposure to unconventional medallic art.