“Race” in the American workplace from a simple Black perspective... by Grey Williamson

Black man, underpaid, spends considerable effort not being blamed for something that can get him fired while trying to avoid not feeling “slave-ish”.
Black woman, underpaid, does the job of easily a dozen people for a pat on the back and less than the pay rate of one... while she tries to keep her head down long enough to retire before being burned out.
Both periodically deal with the mindf**k of watching the lazy, complaining, incompetent, but entitled co-worker get promoted past them, earning ultimately many times their salary just for showing up.
Each spends considerable time questioning their respect and dedication to the efforts of those that came before them, while they feel twisted up inside for not carrying the flag of the Black empowerment agenda higher.
All the while, they contend with the presence of c**ns...
These horrible sellout, bucking and shining negros that slip into these environments, playing their colored skins into a tool to nestle into a position of comforting “Massa’s” testicles... long enough to become “your” managers.
You know them, these tough-talking, almost corporate looking, self-important proponents of doing things the “right way” and being “accountable”... while they screw up every position that they stole by taking credit for the work of others... leaving right before they get fired and remarkably continuing to fail uphill...
perpetually adding ammunition for discriminatory work-mates to fire at you while you’re just trying to get your job done and survive in the workplace.
A good part of the Black cultural “job” experience is trying to figure out how to resolve wanting to slant someone’s head sideways without upending your own precarious position... and medicating the little stabbings that occur daily...
The little deaths.
And you wonder why there’s so much substance abuse and family conflict in what is left of our communities.
I write this to let you know that you are not alone... that your truth is “the” truth, and you have the right to feel fu**ed up when that vacation day a**hole gets promoted and your buddy gets fired for taking an extra 10 minutes on that cigarette break...
... and the one that put the hammer on him was that lavender tie, custard pocket-square wearing... or that bobbed perm, too-red lipstick wearing... smilie-so-bright-at-owner supervisor that’s better than you... than all of us that just don’t get “it”.
Keep your head up.
Fight the power.
Live your life.

~ grey

The Miseducation of White Folks re: White Supremacy

If you have ever injured your back and couldn’t walk... for any length of time...

You know.

You can’t ever look at someone bent over struggling or laying on the ground with “that look” and not feel something.

What happens with racism?

We have to keep re-educating the vast majority of “Whites” on the specifics aspects of the damage caused by racism and “White Supremacism”... keep describing what that pain feels like... about how heavy it feels on our backs... and necks...

Because it’s not their experience... not a part of their lives.

Instead, the apathetic majority subscribes various levels of inequality to the cause of this “phantom” pain... blaming it on everything from lazy, overindulgence to demented masochism... where we enjoy damaging ourselves so that we can blame “them” for it.

That... those characteristics... are, to them, the qualities of an inferior being.

They’re even tired of hearing about it. Like when a dog is barking and you’re trying to concentrate... or a car alarm is blaring when you’re trying to sleep.

“Give it a bone, put it outside, shut that ‘thing’ up for ‘Christ’s’ sake... I’m trying to live ‘my’ life.”

This does not change until “Blacks” are in a position to inflict the same devastating pain upon these racists.

The alphas within that culture must be identified and separated from the others that they hide within and behind... their army.

They must be ostracized... cut off of any benefit from interacting with our “inferior” culture... and left to fend for themselves.

Stop making excuses for their so-called ignorance.

Stop tip-toeing around their feelings.

Stop trying to make them comfortable around you.

For “God’s” sake... stop explaining sh*t to them.

... and when they become desperate... and they will... prepare yourselves to defend against their savagery.

In other words... protect your neck.

~ Grey